Sunday, May 17, 2020

Christians Have All Of God - 863 Words

Christians have certain responsibilities to uphold in order to call themselves ‘Christians’. To be a said, ‘Christian’, is not simply believing in God, but having a devoted relationship with him and living every aspect of life with the all omnipotent creator as the center. Throughout my life I have fallen short of these expectations again and again in a cycle we call, sin. However, God forgives this sin daily with such grace and mercy. I believe God will use my sin, my life, in ways that I can not even begin to fathom, to further his kingdom. This past summer I served as a counselor at a local christian camp. During my first week of counseling I met a boy named Blake. Blake was the sort of kid who walked into indoor registration with his shades on, sleeves rolled up and bandanas plastered on his arms and legs. The kid that everyone warned you about, the kid nobody wanted. I observed at Blake that first day and felt a sense of empathy and compassion. I rememb er seeing this kid at previous camps. The kid that came from a broken home, a rough neighbourhood or simply had a tough teacher. The one that everyone wanted to avoid, despite being in a ‘Christian’ camp. During quiet devotion time on the second day, I took the station Blake had lumped himself into. He had sunk himself down into a bag of balls so you could barely see his small body as he snickered in rebellion. His other friends play basketball and giggle at him. I walk in and they instantly soften their laughter andShow MoreRelatedThe Use and Importance of the Apostles Creed with Relation to the Church1410 Words   |  6 PagesThe Use and Importance of the Apostles Creed with Relation to the Church i) God ii) Jesus iii) The Church The Apostles’ Creed is a statement of beliefs; it contains the main Christian teachings and is often recited in Church services, the first two words of the apostles’ creed, â€Å"We believe†, this means that the people accepts what they are saying as the truth, they believe and commit themselves to what follows, it is a Profession of faith, (they are statingRead MoreThe Christian Worldview And What Impacts Those Beliefs Have On My Own Worldview1290 Words   |  6 Pageselements of the Christian worldview. God is the largest element due to His place as the foundation of the power and influence. God created humanity and allowed for their fall. 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