Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Family Health Assessment Essay - 1245 Words

Family Health Assessment Grand Canyon University September 29, 2012 Family Health Assessment Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns is a system that was created by Marjorie Gordon in 1987. This system served as a guide to establishing a broader nursing database. These assessments include things such as evaluations of patterns within a family with corresponding details in an interdependent pattern. Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns consist of values/health perception, nutrition, sleep/rest, elimination, activity/exercise, cognitive, self perception, role relationship, sexuality, and coping. Each method is designed to collect information using a systematic and standardized approach. The collected information helps a nurse determine†¦show more content†¦They go to the Catholic Church every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for worship. Overall, the Joseph family has solid values and a good outlook on health. The Joseph family has a very well balanced nutritional diet. They eat three meals a day and have occasional snacks in between. Their main meals consist of a lot of rice, vegetables and meats. Fast foods are only had on special occasions. Water, coffee, and tea are the most common liquids they consume. Since Mr. Joseph is diabetic, the entire family changed the way they eat so they could support him. They eat less sugary foods and lean more towards fruits and vegetables. Due to this change, the Joseph family has learned a lot about eating healthy and maintaining a good diet. A persons sleeping pattern is important when dealing with the sleep and rest assessment. Everyone in the family sleeps for an average of about 8-12 hours of sleep per night. Mrs. Joseph works night shifts 5 days of the week, so she sleeps in the morning, once the children have gone to school. Since the children have school, they have a set bedtime at 10pm, and everyone wakes up at 6:30am to have family breakfast. Because of their disciplined bedtimes and wake up times, everyone in the family is usually well rested and set for the next day. When looking at the elimination assessment and the excretory patterns, the Joseph family has no issues. Everyone in the family has normal urination and bowel movements. The activitiesShow MoreRelatedFamily Health Assessment : Family Assessment Essay1469 Words   |  6 PagesFamily Health Assessment Family is so important in the society and it is a blessing from God. Healthy behaviors learn from within the family and family member’s stimulus one to each other with health promotion practices. There fore, the health behaviors are very essential in the family assessment and which notifies health-promotion and disease-prevention. Within families, members will be the first one to learn about to promoting health. Families have impact on children’s lifestyle choices. 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